Dear Josephine #8

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Dear Josephine,

You’re about to turn seven months old, and as usual, the last month has been pretty action-packed for you.

First and foremost, you have a new nanny who took over for your Bubbe. You seem to get along well. She’s going to take care of you until the late summer when our new full time nanny will take over. My mom misses getting to spend time with you every day so she asks about you a lot.

On the bright side, it turns out you actually are not allergic to nuts. I told you in my last letter that you were. But I have been giving you various allergens (like nuts) and you have not had any reactions. It’s unclear what you were reacting to before, but this is a sliver of good news because we were worried about what your life might be like if you had to deal with all sorts of serious allergies.

Speaking of the allergens, since your mom has many allergies, I am usually the one to give you the solid foods with the various allergens. I used to think that bathtime was my favorite time because of how excited you get for it, but food time might take the cake (no pun intended). You go bananas (especially when I give you banana puree) every time we do food time together. You make these really cute and shrill shrieking sounds and you make wild facial expressions. You also make quite the mess when you do it but it’s alright, I’m happy to clean up after you. 

Of course, my favorite day with you over the last month was Father’s Day. This was my first time being celebrated as a father on this special day. We had a great time going to our favorite restaurant in Charlestown, Prima. This is the same restaurant where I organized a surprise party for your mom’s 35th birthday party just a couple months ago. We all sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather before coming home to do some packing since we are moving soon. Later in the day, we all went out to dinner with both sets of your grandparents and your Aunt Mary. Everyone passed you around like you were some sort of trophy and we got lots of great pictures. In fact, everyone remarked at how well-behaved you were. And what really capped it off is that your mom got me a running stroller for Father’s Day. This is a really special gift because I am training for the Chicago Marathon, so now I’ll be able to take you with me on some of my training runs. I’m looking forward to that.

Another thing we got to do was take you to the aquarium for the first time. I’m not gonna lie, I expected you to be a little more in awe of some of the animals you saw there. A baby seal swam right up to you and said hello to you but you didn’t seem to react very much. Maybe when you are a little bit older, you’ll like the penguins and the fishes and the seals a little bit more. 

You meeting your seal “friend”

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that you already have a Boston sports title under your belt as well. Yes, the Celtics won the NBA championship on June 17th, their 18th total and the most of any franchise in major professional US sports. I wanted to take you to the parade but it was a little bit too hot and crowded. I went solo and took some pictures and videos for you. Given the clip you are operating at already, I am sure there will be other championships in our future that we can celebrate together. Which reminds me, we became Patriots season ticket holders a week ago too, so you’re going to be a bit spoiled I guess since we have Patriots and Bruins season tickets now.

The last big thing to come in this window of time is our upcoming move in a few days. We’re moving out to Wellesley in what will hopefully be the home you grow up in. We have been doing a good job of packing while you take naps and we are excited to see you grow up in such a nice house. 

I often find myself missing you if I do not see you for a little while. Even though I work from home, I often come to say hello to you during a break between my work phone calls. I love how whenever I come into a room and you see me, you smile. Our little thing we do together is that I make funny faces at you or I smile at you and you smile or laugh in return. It happens like clockwork. I think there is nothing in my life that has brought me greater joy than these little moments with you. I think it is because of how hard life can be as an adult and all the things I see around me sometimes that make me upset. When I see you and how innocent and happy you are, it gives me a little bit of hope.

Until next time. With love,


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